Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Astonishing Details About Essay Samples of Positive and Negative Effects of Cancer Unveiled

Astonishing Details About Essay Samples of Positive and Negative Effects of Cancer Unveiled In the majority of labs, you will receive the results after 3-5 business days. The organization should have a fantastic ad campaign in order for those stockholders and investors to keep faith in the business and keep the capital rolling in, to create the goods. To put it differently, the reach of greenwashing strategies and company scandals in recent years give rise to reduction of consumer trust to companies that engage in green marketing. Public service advertisements are frequently the very first things considered when folks discuss the positives of advertisements. So How About Essay Samples of Positive and Negative Effects of Cancer? Today it's known that cigarette smoking is the main cause of lung cancer and death in the USA. The analysis also found that sarcosine could possibly be involved with the exact pathways inked to cancer invasiveness making the substance a prospective can cer therapy. Nevertheless, certain trends and habits are proven to raise the chance of afflicted by cancer. Together with that, some believed that personality affected the results of cancer the likelihood an individual with cancer might die. When an individual mentions they have cancer the first thing which springs to mind is they will require chemotherapy. If he receives a negative result of having the breast cancer gene, it does not mean that they are cancer free. An individual is regarded to be at high risk should they have a couple of family members that have had breast or ovarian cancer. Older folks are more inclined to suffer from cancer, though there are particular types of cancer which are more prevalent in children. Chemotherapy is mostly used after an individual undergoes the surgery to help stop the cancer cells from growing and moving to other elements of the human body. Folks often utilize cell phones when on the street. Further, the effect of mood states on the consumer decision procedure seems to be a purpose of the valence of the present mood. Generally, employing the coming of the essay to paint a scene or mood can be quite effective. The body would be discussing the information which you provided in the coming of the essay, in the event you are managing many causes or effects, you can discuss them one by one in distinct paragraphs. So technology causes communication difficulties and wellness troubles and also it lets someone lose their capacity to write properly they use the shorten words as opposed to the complete word. Any organ of the human b ody is an expected target for cancerous cells. It is going to also be helpful to decrease the portions. 1 side effect of consuming fast foods on a normal basis is obesity which might trigger the growth of diabetes. The practice of growing control of PTSD symptoms are sometimes a long and at times tough endeavor. Additionally, it is critical to consider the value of routine health checks. So long as you wish to know your wellbeing status in a simple and effective fashion, you should feel free to perform the test. It's not uncommon to hear that even death might be a side-effect of a prescription drug. Who Else Wants to Learn About Essay Samples of Positive and Negative Effects of Cancer? Lots of people have suggested that patients and household members let out the terrible feelings so they may more fully enjoy the positive facets of the circumstance. Locate the strength and support you should feel the best that you can and possess the very best possible quality of life. Finally, it's essential to concentrate on the achievements of the war on terror, such as prevention of growth of the main terrorist groups on the planet and uniting the nation in the usa. Still, more work is necessary. It's energy-wise and collaborative to minimise the effect of a website on the surrounding atmosphere. It is very important to evaluate causes and effects of greenwashing as a kind of deceptive marketing. The reliance on technology leads to isolation. International warming has been one the important problems in the world these days. In order to talk about the effects it would be important to tackle each sort of pollution and after that talk about the effects of that kind of pollution There are a lot of forms and forms of pollution that influence the surroundings. There are different facets that constitute water pollution for instance spills. Effects of pollution There are a lot of effects that may be credited to pollution. There are a lot of damaging gases like Sulphur dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide which are released every single day on earth from several industrial processes.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Impact Of The Patient Protection And Affordable Care...

The Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Americans and its True Intentions through Communism Amanda N. McFarlane CUNY School of Professionals HCA 602: The Politics of Health Abstract In this essay, through supporting articles and video clips we will analyze the truth behind the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act also known as the Obamacare, and its social justice issues and arguments. We will find those supporters and opponents of the PPACA on whether it is a beneficial healthcare system, or not; and whether it is socialism, communism, capitalism, or corporatism. The government has framed the PPACA as a working progress to better Americans access to healthcare coverage but many argue that it is a lie. Both†¦show more content†¦The act according to Obama at the signing was â€Å"the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their health care† (Rogers, 2014). Many Americans have gained from the PPACA but there are also those who have lost to the reform. While the intent of the act was made for the better of Americans health, Republicans deem Obamacare to be a progressing disaster and seek to demolish the law. The conception that Obamacare is beneficial to Americans has created a debate between the political parties. Different groups and individuals have taken the law and have broken down their interpretation of its true intentions. After 75 years of an unsuccessful health system some find it hard to believe that the PPACA will be effective in the long run. The many reasons range from the PPACA being categorized as socialism, communism, capitalism and/or corporatism. Through writers Catherin Evans, Gus Voss and conservative writer David Horowitz we are given insight and facts to the many questions that have derived with the passing of PPACA. The PPACA has been portrayed as a government program to help all Americans have health benefits and affordable health; but this government aid also questions how beneficial is the program and is it another approach of control. Social Justice Issues and Arguments â€Å"In a recent Gallup poll, 27

Monday, December 9, 2019

Decision Analytics - Decision Making and Crowdsourcing

Question: Discuss about theDecision Analytics, Decision Making and Crowdsourcing. Answer: Data Analytics and Decision Making Data Analytics and Decision Making are two different terms that we will discuss here in this report. Data Analytics is a science of examining raw data and its purpose is to draw conclusions about that information. In various industries data analytics is used to allow companies for making better business decisions and to exist models or theories. The main focus of data analytics is inference and process of deriving a conclusion based on information. On other side, decision making is also an essential activity for business organizations and there are various critical decisions have to make at management level. In this case, data analytics can provide help to make decisions on the behalf of analytical data. As per the given information, I am in-charge of a medium-large organization XYZ Pvt. Ltd. This company provides software solutions to its customers and serving this service for long times. In this company different departments handle different operations such as finance, accounts, en gineering and logistics. In these departments, data analytics are used to perform required functions and as a manager I have analyzed that sales department is getting benefits from data analytics or in particular big data and it has become easy to make decisions on the behalf of data analytics report. Now in this report, I will emphasize on sourcing, refinement and exploitation of data, management and structuring of data and some specific barriers into success of organization (Smart Insights, 2014). How Data is Sourced, Refined and Exploited? Data analytics are helpful to source, refine and exploit data. In case of XYZ organization, data analytics has improved sales of this company by using sourced and refined data. By sales team members, key sources of information are used that work as strategic approach for sales department. In this case, data analytics helps to monitor customer activities and to tie them to specific sales efforts. In case of so many brands, the use of analytics helps to power business organizations to sales and marketing. By using data analytics, campaign sources can be used for tracking sales. Campaign sources consists of ad campaigns, use of adwords, email, social media and other special events such as webinars and conference presentations. But while implementing these campaigns time and budget are also important to manage. This management can be successfully done by refining best choices from given sources. It means company must decide that which option will be better among above given campaign opti ons for tracking sales of company. Other way to track the performance of various marketing channels is Google Analytics which is a most sophisticated way of self-service business intelligence platform. In this why, after sourcing and refinement of data, exploitation of data can be done regarding sales of business. Structure and Management of Project As we have discussed above that how data analytics is helpful to source and refine data properly, so implementation of data analytics for sales of company should be done effectively for effective decision making. Now here we will emphasize on appropriate structure and management of this project of data analytics (Salesforce Blog, 2016). The structure of this project will consist of following points: Find Analytical Approach that works Best Generate Insights by Integrating Capabilities Make an Analytical Approach The main purpose of above structure of data analytics to handle sales of company and these main structural points work as below: Find Analytical Approach that works Best According to this first structural point, it is necessary for every company to work out pros and cons of all appropriate analytical tools and it is necessary to gain the most effective marketing mix. The main choices that comes to non-direct marketing consists of reach, cost and quality (RCQ). Here RCQ reduces each touch point into its component parts and here structured judgment and data is required. These parts include quality of engagement, target customers and cost per unique touch point. Other essential method that is used to find analytical approach is attribution modelling. This technique or method has become so important for marketing execution and online media purchasing. Attribution modelling is that where a set of algorithms or rules manage that how credit for conversion of traffic to sales can meet to various touch points. These basic touch points are online ads, social media feeds and email campaigns. Generate Insights by Integrating Capabilities Some business organizations use single analysis technique but to get better results there is requirement of using MROI. This approach includes data and insights from direct responses. This method allows business leaders to be flexible in any movement in budgets that are made to perform various essential activities. Make an Analytical Approach Analytical approach is important for every department in a business organization. As we have discussed that how sales department of XYZ Pvt. Ltd has got benefits from analytical approach, so this approach should be center point. This will be helpful for organizations to perform various business activities effectively. In this way by following above discussed structure and by managing data analytics approach, company can handle sales activities in an easy way and effective outcomes can be found. Now in next segment of this report, we will emphasize on specific barriers to success in organization. Barriers to Success of Organization As we know that data analytics is beneficial for business organizations to handle its activities of different departments. But here are some barriers in usage of data analytics that are also known as Big Data barriers and those analytics are listed as below: Reskilling Delivering Cultural and Communication Barriers Handling Integration of new Types of Data Reskilling: This process of reskilling the workforce take advantage of Big Data Analytics which is a barrier in implementation of data analytics (, 2016). Delivering: Delivery of clear business case to optimize big data strategy is also considered as barrier for data analytics. Cultural and Communication Barriers: Cultural and Communication barrier within and between IT and other business is also a big problem in implementation of data analytics. This problem must be resolved to achieve a synchronized strategy. Handling Integration of new Types of Data: It is necessary to flood in as Big Data is implemented. Crowdsourcing Beyond the Firm Here in this segment of report we will discuss about an article of crowdsourcing and emphasize on some essential concepts of crowdsourcing such as how in normative decision model crowdsourcing is used, overcoming of conventional decision making problems or distortions through crowdsourcing and objections and resistance to use crowdsourcing. Before discussion about crowdsourcing, it is necessary to know that what crowdsourcing is. It is a process of using a large group of people and general public to accomplish a required task. To possible crowdsourcing at grand scale, internet has made it possible at grand scale. How Normative Decision Model is used by Crowdsourcing Normative Model is basically used for decision making and it predicts the effectiveness of decision making procedures. This model is made by Victor Vroom who is professor at Yale University. As we know crowdsourcing is a process of accomplishment of required task with the help of a group of people. In this case, effective decision making is required. In this case, normative decision model will be helpful for crowdsourcing. In case of cloud sourcing, normative decision model will tell about how people should make effective decisions. This model is helpful to evaluate change or performance, searches for alternative answers to question and it also provides standards that how things and tasks should be done. These all factors are required in case of crowdsourcing to make completion of tasks. So crowdsourcing uses this model to make all critical decisions that are required to fulfill task and in this decision making, cost, time, components and other elements of project can be considered ( Gaudino, L. rarr; 2014). Conventional Decision Making Problems or Distortions In any field, decision making is not an easy task to perform. Critical decision making requires strategic approach and appropriate information about project. Today various new techniques and tools are available that can be used by people to make decisions and in case of crowd sourcing those techniques can also be used. But in case of conventional decision making in crowdsourcing, some problems and distortions are faced that are listed as below: Lack of confidentiality is found in management information that is required for decision making. Due to this, some information is not available on time and destroyed by hackers. This is big problem with conventional decision making. In earlier days, not proper or accurate data is available that is collected through data analytics. That is why not so much accurate result is found. Other barrier is lack of experts those have experience to collect, refine and exploit information. In conventional decision making, no proper availability of experts may lead wrong decision making and leadership. In conventional decision making, big data or data analytics were not used properly due to its lack of availability. These are some barriers that commonly observed in conventional decision making in case of crowdsourcing. Due to these barriers, various problems have faced in accomplishment of task in crowdsourcing (Harvard Business Review, 2014). Objections and Resistance to use Crowdsourcing for making Decisions According to analysis about crowdsourcing, we got to know about some limitations or objections in crowdsourcing or failure. Crowdsourcing is considered to be nightmare when it is not properly handled. Following are some objections or resistance regarding crowdsourcing for making decisions: The first objection is regarding unfairness. Sometimes it is found that crowd feels Crowdsourcing Company is not treating fairly or provided information by them is not sufficient. In this case they can raise objections and crowdsourcing will not be considered for decision making. In process of decision making, information plays an important role and without accurate information, it is difficult to make effective decisions. Besides above problems, other source of crowd resistance consists of manipulation. Manipulation is considered particularly dangerous for crowdsourcing companies and this is happened when members are totally disagree with companys rules or actions. These rules, actions and policies are important and these must be made with agreement of all members of business organizations. Next objection or resistance that is apart from crowd resistance is that company could be affected by bad quality of the results that are delivered by virtual employees. The reason for this object or resistance is failure of company to provide clear instructions to the crowd to filter applicants. These are some particular resistance or objections to crowdsourcing and due to this most of the members are agreed to work with crowdsourcing companies and with their decision making. After this whole discussion we can say that data analytics, decision making and crowdsourcing are some essential concepts that are commonly used in business organizations. The implementation of these important concepts is important for business organizations to perform various business activities. But before start its implementation above discussed points must be considered properly. These activities will be helpful for collection of accurate and appropriate data, refinement of required data and implementation of data according to choices. Further this information will be helpful for effective decision making to perform various business organizations. The barriers of crowdsourcing and other risk factors that are required to consider are also discussed here in this report. At last we can say that today v arious advanced technologies are used by business organizations for effective decision making and to analyze business information thoroughly. But all these techniques will be helpful, if will be implemented properly and by fulfilling its all requirements. References 4 Barriers to Big Data Success -- and Ways to Overcome Them - Enterprise Apps Today. Retrieved 22 October 2016, from Smart Insights. (2014). Marketing Analytics techniques to increase sales - Smart Insights Digital Marketing Advice. Retrieved 22 October 2016, from Salesforce Blog. (2016). How Businesses Use Data Analytics to Improve Sales. Retrieved 22 October 2016, from Gaudino, L. rarr;, V. (2014). Crowdsourcing benefits, limitations and how to avoid failure. Retrieved 22 October 2016, from Harvard Business Review. (2014). Improve Decision-Making With Help From the Crowd. Retrieved 22 October 2016, from

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Walt Disney and Mulan Essay Example For Students

Walt Disney and Mulan Essay In response to Deborah Rosss arguments in her article Escape From Wonderland: Disney and Female Imagination ? (2004) against The Little Mermaid (1989) and Alice in Wonderland (1951), Mulan (1998) embodies a more realistic and valuable theme of Disney. Ross predominantly claims that Walt Disneys movies influence and brainwash girls by showing them princesses that act out of folly and pursues fantasies that are far out of reach. However, Disneys motion picture movie, Mulan, has inspired many girls across the globe to become women with high merit. Its representation of gender allows the audience to recognize the reality that women face as traditional cultured descendants. For instance, in the movie, Fa-Mulan, the protagonist, grew up in a family where marriage was arranged, family honor was respected and society was male-centered. She went against these cultural values with actions such as disobeying her parents, fighting in a war, and in a way arranging her own marriage. Each of her actions was justified with an understandable reason, which will be explained further. We will write a custom essay on Walt Disney and Mulan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Moreover, Mulan exemplifies the depiction of women, moral principle, and unconditional love with actions such as taking her fathers place in the war. Although it was against her culture and values, she took her fathers place in absolute respect and protection of her family. With the Chinese culture in Mulans timeframe, sending a family in the war was an obligation, and Mulan fulfilled that duty as a sign of strength and courage. The setting takes place in Han, China during a time of danger. In preparation for the Mongolian Huns invasion, the emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, demanded that all men from each family in Han must partake in the forthcoming battle. Fa Mulans father and war veteran, Fa-Zhou, was the only man in his family that could report for duty, however he has aged and suffered from his first injury in a past war. Though he had respectfully accepted the emperors request, Mulan worried that his condition would worsen. Fa Mulan, strong-headed and stubborn, refused to let her father go. Mulans mother, Fa Li, and Grandma Fa struggled to accept Fa-Zhous decision. Mulan spoke up, telling her father that he should not have to fulfill the emperors request when there are hundreds of young men to do so. In disagreement, Fa-Zhou claims that he will gladly serve for his country and die in honor. When Mulan made her last effort to convince him to stay, he furiously told her that his decision is final. The tension in the family deepened and Mulan was left frustrated and defenseless. In addition, Fa Li felt as strongly as Mulan did about Fa-Zhous resolution. Not only does it seem as if he did not take their opinion into consideration, but it shows that women outlook holds little to no significance to men. The traditional Chinese culture entirely makes women submissive which is denoted throughout Mulan. The movie begins with Mulan preparing for her meeting with the matchmaker for her arranged marriage. In the first song, Honor To Us All ?, Mulan is beautified ? as an ideal bride by her mother and other women glamorizing her with excessive makeup and a tightfitting gown. The song sends out the message that claims women are only good for looks and marriage. However, after greatly disappointing the matchmaker with her unintended clumsiness and impolite mannerism, Mulan realized that being an ideal bride was not her role in society. Her parents and grandma felt helpless rather than disappointed. As Mulan struggled with her self-identity, she came up with the impulsive idea of taking her fathers place. As a result, she chose to disguise herself as his hypothetical son ?, impersonate herself as a soldier and name herself Ping ?. .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee , .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee .postImageUrl , .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee , .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee:hover , .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee:visited , .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee:active { border:0!important; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee:active , .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5c1b00f1a50a294c4facd9273d8d12ee:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: O Brother Where Art Thou EssayThis differs from Rosss arguments because rather than escaping boredom ? and satisfying curiosity ? (Ross 58), she does a deed out of moral principle. In Rosss article, she pointed out in The Little Mermaid (1989) that Ariel chased a fantasy that was foolish (58). Ariel, in this case, ended up sacrificing her life for a man whereas a Mulan sacrifices her life for her family, an asset that is far more valuable. In Mulan, impersonation of a soldier especially by a woman was against the law. Though Fa Mulan disobeyed the rules, she followed moral principle, which in this case was to protect her father. She nervously went into training camp blinded and was overwhelmed by the challenges of masculinity. The other men did not quite find her suspicious, but they thought Ping ? was undoubtedly odd. Throughout the movie, Mulan tries to prove herself to the men in war. In the beginning, she was seen as one of the weak soldiers. At one point, Li Shang, the captain, sent Mulan home because she was unable to keep up with the other men. With strong work ethic and perseverance, she began to prove herself. Mulan refused to settle for what felt like failure. For instance, one task highlighted during training was the arrow retrieval. Li Shang ordered all men to reach an arrow at the top of a wooden pole hundreds of feet high with weights of strength ? and discipline ? on each arm. All of the men failed to complete the task. Just as Mulan was packed up to leave, Mulan approached the pole on her own when all the men were asleep. The morning after, all the men saw her sitting on top of the pole and flung the arrow in front of Li Shang. She amazed her captain and troop men. From this moment on, Mulan positively encouraged and motivated her mates who all eventually completed their training successfully. Again, this highlights the amount of strength that Mulan retained as a woman. Ariel was unwise in making sacrifices for Prince Eric, but Mulan had a greater purpose for her decision. In Escape From Wonderland: Disney and Female Imagination ?, she states  ¦many acts of self-torture earn her a slight reprieve as she is turned into a spirit of the air, instead of sea-foam, and given a chance to gain a soul by performing more selfless deeds ? regarding The Little Mermaid (Ross 59). Mulans determination led her to not only fight successfully in placement of her father, but she saved Li Shang, the emperor, and all of China. Coincidentally, Mulan fell in love with Li Shang and vice-versa. The admiration found in Mulan is that, it is not a typical Disney movie where a princess chases her prince charming in what we call a fairy tale. Instead, she found herself a role that she was content in and ultimately proud of, a legendary female warrior. Her reward was her own accomplishment, not a man. Lastly, Mulan is set apart from most Disney movies because it emphasizes the importance of family. Disneys motive in the following classics heaved in a tragic death to allow the audience to feel sorry for the main character. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Cinderella (1950), Alice in Wonderland (1951), and The Little Mermaid: Ariels Beginning prequel (2008), tragic deaths of either one or both parents occur. In Snow White and Cinderella, both parents pass away due to an unknown cause. In Alice in Wonderland, she is characterized as an orphan and her parents are not even slightly mentioned. Furthermore in The Little Mermaid, Ariels mother gets hit by a ship and sadly dies. Though Mulan had her moments of despair, she did not have to face tragic death. .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b , .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b .postImageUrl , .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b , .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b:hover , .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b:visited , .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b:active { border:0!important; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b:active , .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8dc0d4a34548470443372e3385c3804b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Star Wars Sci Fi EssayIn the beginning, Fa-Zhou neglects Mulans opinion regarding the war, but when she returns home after fighting in his place, he accepts her. His acceptance of his daughters role demonstrates such unconditional love and value parenthood whereas the previous examples listed lack that quality. Additionally, Fa-Li and Grandma Fa are also supportive of Mulans decisions. Children who grow up watching Disney movies should not have to feel remorseful for the protagonist; they should feel inspired and positively influenced. Toward the end of the movie, Mulan faced women subordination once again. After Mulan fired a canon at a snow mound, she successfully caused an avalanche over the hundreds of Huns. During her fire, Mulan was injured by one of the charging Huns. When she is taken to a doctor for treatment, she is forced to uncover her true identity. Several moments later as Shang and the troop men left her behind, she noticed that there are still Huns alive who are not finished with their agenda. When Mulan rushed back to town to the victory ? celebration, she tried to find someone who will believe that the Huns are still alive. The men proceeded to the ceremony and received their recognition without giving Mulan any credit. In this scene, it showed that women were inferior. Even when she found Shang and the troop men and tried to persuade them of her finding, no one believed her. When she was Ping, she was trusted but when she returned to being Mulan, her voice was ignored. Later, China witnessed that Shan-Yu, the captain of the Huns, captured the emperor just as he was honoring Li Shang. When the men realized that Mulan was not lying, they helped Mulan in defeating the remaining Huns. As a result, the emperor rewarded Mulan his crest and Shan-Yus sword as a symbol of great honor and achievement. When the rest of China observes the emperors gesture, the scene ends with all of China bowing down to her embracing their veneration towards her. Mulan demonstrates a great deal of strength, intelligence, and bravery. Alice and Ariel showed independence, but not for the justified reasons that Mulan did. I agree with Ross that they merely went on their own exploration out of boredom but to refute her overall claims, Mulan developed herself and applied her skills to situations that rewarded her with excellence. It may seem as if Fa-Mulan only did deeds to please her family, she surprised herself with her hidden capabilities. However, culture should not be ignored. The traditional society in Mulan embraces family honor. She was committed to achieving her goal with the rational purpose of defending her loved ones. She went to war in place of her father and protected her family like a true soldier as a female. Fa-Mulans character is exceptionally impressive and favorable because she represents the limitless potential in women, qualities that Ross failed to mention.